Tuesday, June 16, 2009

so....Im officially a blogger

So it looks like I have officially jumped on the blogging bandwagon! As many of you know I am the founder and head designer of Nneka Saran Handbags[Sidebar: look for my new and updated website soon]. I wont bore you with my bio but lets just say Ive always LOVED being creative! :) So what better way to talk about all things creative than to blog about it! Now Im not sure how often I'll be updating at this point but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless. Im in the process of planning my wedding taking place in October of this year and Im sooooo excited to be marrying the love of my life! Im the do-it-yourself queen so needless to say, there will be plenty of wedding stuff and ideas on here! So stay tuned especially all you future brides! And of course there will be handbag talk and updates on my new collections and inspiration!

Im a very visual person, so I love blogs with tons of expect lots of them on my blog!
Okay thats it for me! Ciao!