Monday, August 17, 2009

Operation 'Get Right for My Wedding' Day 1

Sorry for not doing many posts last week, Ive been pretty busy to say the least. Plus my bridal shower was on Saturday and I had a blast! Pics to come soon! :)

Today marks Day 1 for Operation Get Right for my Wedding! Ive already started off wrong by skipping breakfast (not really by choice though)... but for lunch I had a big salad with grilled chicken and a lil italian dressing & vinegar. Dinner will prob be grilled chicken, steamed brocolli, and 1/2 cup of brown rice. Im going to hit the gym today as well as do some cardio and strength training. I havent worked out in two weeks so I have to get back into the swing!!

I'll keep ya posted! :)

1 comment:

  1. You still look great and will be a beautiful bride! You're already there Nneka!
