Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Crunch Time!

September already??? Seriously, where did the time go?!! I can't believe I will be getting married NEXT month!! So needless to say, Ive been pretty busy. I still have alot of little things to do... finish up programs, menus, seating charts, do my makeup test run, finalize my wedding day hair-do, and probably a few other things I cant think of right at this moment. Soooo, I may not be updating the blog as frequently but I will def do what I can!!

So last month I did okay eating wise. I slacked off big time this past weekend....lets just say my weekend involved me "hanging out" with a pizza,an Oreo DQ Blizzard, sweet tea, and a lil candy on the side! How bad was that!!? But luckily I have time to make it up and this month its not a game. So Im going to faithfully be in the gym 3-4 times a week and continue to watch what I eat and get lots of rest because the last thing I want to be in a tired looking bride!!

So stay tuned for more postings! Ciao! :)