Monday, December 21, 2009

Home Decor DIY Project #2 : Bench Update

After getting married, I moved in with my hubby at his place (now our place:). So needless to say, I already had tons of stuff and so did he. I decided I wanted to jazz up an accent bench I used in my old apartment to go with the decor of our newly decorated (by me of course) living room area.

The color scheme in our living room is light blue, brown, and white/cream. As popular as that color combination is for home decor, I found it rather hard to find the material similar to what I envisioned in my head. I finally ran across some fabric on a website that I liked. I decided to recover the bench seat with this material. I used a different material to create pillows to accent it.

Here is the bench BEFORE pic (sorry its kinda dark)

First step, turn over the bench and remove hinges connecting top piece to the base of bench

Next step, align fabric on top of bench and hand sew your new fabric to top piece. This worked out easy for me because my bench was upholstered in fabric already. However, it take a little while to do it.

Last step, after you have sewn new fabric on, attach the top piece back to the base. Make or buy some pillows to accent it. I made these pillows.

All done! :)