Monday, June 7, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Dr. Tiffani Bailey Lash & Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy

Today's 'Stepping Out on Faith' feature is on Dr. Tiffani Bailey Lash and Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy.

Current jobs: Tiffani is a Science Policy Analyst and Tashni is a Chemical Procurement Manager
Passion: Personal/Hair Care

Tiffani and Tashni both discovered their passions at a young age. In high school, Tiffani did everyone's hair and was interested in becoming a cosmetologist. After a conversation with her mom, she decided she would instead pursue chemistry in college so she could learn about all the ingredients that are in hair products. Tashni, originally from Jamaica, has always been around hair care. She grew up watching her mother doing hair and mixing up her own concoctions. That never left her. So it was only natural she would develop a desire to create her own hair care products.

When these two met while pursuing doctoral degrees at North Carolina State University, they realized they had a common vision to formulate hair care products to enhance the beauty of ethnic hair without using harsh chemicals. After about 3 years of research and formulating the right blend of natural ingredients, the ladies have developed a product line that truly promotes healthy hair.

For these ladies, the best part of stepping out and pursuing their passion is being a testament to others that no matter what your dream is, it can be achieved. They believe all the knowledge they have gained over the years has truly come together in every aspect and has helped them get to where they are today. They are also proud to be on a path to building their own wealth and establishing a legacy for their children and children's children.

In the future, they would love to expand their hair care line and get into body care. They also want to venture into different markets (i.e. men and baby care). Ultimately, they would like to own a manufacturing facility that would not only produce their products, but also serve as a place to facilitate the dreams of other entrepreneurs like them.

When asked what advice they would give others ready to step out, Tiffani says “A lot of times, we are our own worst enemies. We think something is not attainable. Everything in life is attainable. Try to find someone who does what you want to do and work with them. And as my pastor says, take that ‘stinkin thinkin’ out of your head.” Tashni shares “Fear is another hindrance to people's success; being fearful of getting out of their comfort zones. Take a risk! If you have a great idea, get feedback from a few people who have experience in the field, take the risk, challenge yourself, stick to it and stay motivated. You won’t always get support you are looking for but the key to success is consistency and if you stick with it, you can achieve it!!”
Ive heard the products are great! Lets support our own! Check out and purchase Tea and Honey Blends @

1 comment:

  1. I would love a chanve to try their products on my own clients hair. I have more confidence in women who know our precise hair care needs!
