Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Kendra G

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on my girl from college, Kendra G! Currently, Kendra is a radio personality for Philly's 100.3 The Beat.

Passion: Entertainment

As a young child growing up in Connecticut, Kendra always knew she wanted to be a star! She knew for sure she wanted to be involved in the entertainment industry, she just didn't know in what capacity.

After graduating from Hampton University with a degree in Marketing, she knew a 9-5 job wasn't for her.  She worked in her field for one week and then quit! It was then she decided that she would rather die than to not try to pursue what she really wanted to do.  Shortly after, Kendra ended up getting a job at a radio station in Connecticut making $7 an hour.  It was a risk but she truly felt it would pay off in the end.

Looking back, Kendra remembers how hard it was at one point.  She wasn't making any money, her mother was struggling, and she couldn't help her.  At that moment she thought about putting her dreams aside and get a good paying job with a major company to help her mother out.   She prayed about it and for the first time she heard GOD speak.  Kendra says she heard Him ask, "Do you trust me?"  She answered "Yes!" then heard a voice say "Keep walking then."  That was a moment she will never forget!!  She has been walking in that ever since and hasn't looked back.  Kendra says her life is GREAT now and it will only get better!

When asked what the best part of stepping out on faith has been, Kendra says, "That's tough! I live a dream life!  I get paid to interview celebrities, party, and wear fabulous clothes! It's amazing! BUT if I had to choose a moment then I will say when I met Janet Jackson....that was my first dream as a child! So that was amazing! Surreal...I'll never forget it! And I have it all on video tape! That's actually the moment that all my other dreams would come true because meeting Janet Jackson let me know that anything was possible."

For anyone out there ready to step out, she advises to go for it!  "That's what life is about, pursing your GOD given passion! I say go for it like you have nothing to lose, don't have a back up plan! Just work towards what you want to do!!" says Kendra.

In the future Kendra plans to get into television.  She wants to produce and host a couple of show ideas she has.
Lastly, Kendra shares, "Keep GOD first and everything else will fall into place."

VOTE for Kendra to get her OWN show on Oprah's new network!

Nominate Kendra as a Guest Co-Host for a day on Regis & Kelly!

For more info on Kendra, check her out at !

1 comment:

  1. The stepping out on faith post are a great inspiration for me to continue on my journey when ever doubt comes my way. Thank u and I so look forward to more.
