Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Introducing: Nneka Saran Decor & Design

As you know, my passion is truly all things creative! I just LOVE the idea of seeing something go from nothing to something beautiful! That is the reason I truly enjoy making bags and started a business from it.  However, making bags isn't my only love.  Making  things and being creative in general is what I really love to do and anything that falls under that bucket makes me happy! So with that being said... I have decided to embark on a new venture in addition to my handbag line, event decor and design!!

Its always a little scary when you embark on something new. But God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)  So I'm stepping out and trusting what God has for me is for me! And what ever is in His divine plan for my life will come to pass! I believe that with all my heart! 

So now I'm looking for a few (maybe 3) clients in the Philadelphia area to work with for FREE! If you or anyone you know in this area is looking for someone to decorate or help plan a kids party, sweet sixteen, baby shower, birthday party or anything of that nature, email me at!
Thanks in advance for all your support!  And if you are reading this and there is a business or venture that you have always wanted to embark on but fear has gotten in the way,  maybe its time for you to step out too!  :)


  1. GET.IT.BOO! Maybe I'll jump behind you...

  2. Nneka - I think I might have your first client!

  3. Way to go! This was only the natural given your talent. If ever back in RIC, I would love to use your service!

  4. YAYYYYYYY!!! I figured out how to add a post! LOL!
