Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hicks Edges Review

As you know, I venture off and do a few product reviews here and there and today's product is Hicks Edges.  One of my besties, Karee, told me about this awhile ago but I didn't get a chance to try it.  Well I finally broke down this weekend and bought a jar of this $17 "magic pomade" that everyone keeps raving about.

Basically, its claim to fame is that it lays unruly edges down really well without a flaky or hard feeling like gel and also promotes hair growth. 

I must say it works pretty well.  It didn't complete knock my socks off, but it does do what it says.  I recently got a new 'do' and my edges frizzed up so I used Hicks to lay them down.  It held pretty good for the entire day and definitely did not flake up or get hard.  Another good thing is that it should last for quite awhile considering you only need a very small amount of it for your edges.  This is especially a good product for natural girls (no relaxers).  And I hear a lot of people also use it quite often on kids hair as well.  So if you aren't already hip to this product and want to give it a shot, let me know how it works for you!

P.S. I found this works really well for laying your eyebrows down too! Just don't use too much! You only need a teeny tiny bit of it unless you want your eyebrows to look super slick and unnaturally too shiny! lol

UPDATE:  This product is best used on clean hair. Also, it didnt keep my edges completely straight the whole day but it's still pretty good.