Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Beginnings - Stepping out on Faith!

Last Friday marked the end of one chapter of my life and the beginning of a new one!  After putting in 8 years, I'm officially no longer in corporate America and I'm finally truly stepping out on faith to pursue my passion!

To celebrate this new season in my life, my wonderful hubby planned a lil surprise gathering with a few of my friends.  I was soooooo surprised (can you tell by the pic? lol)!!
I am so beyond thankful to have such supportive family and friends in my life!  I know there will be ups and downs of this journey I'm about to embark on but it definitely makes it all better when you have people around you to encourage you along the way.  Here is a pic of the cake they got me and a pic of all of us!

Stay tuned for my new collection of bags on the way!  :)


  1. Congrats!! Wish you all the best!! Love that cake : )

  2. Nneka,
    Can't wait to see what is next, you keep inspiring me! I am looking forward to what your next move will be, I know it will be FABULOUS!
    Terri Craft

    I changed my web address:

  3. The cake is fabulous! Congratulations on stepping out on faith! I'll be cheering you on every step of the way! xoxo

  4. Thanks so much ladies! I'll make note of the new address Terri! :)

  5. I wish you well love!!! Know that God will never supply a dream without the means to make them come true!!! You will do just fine! Relax & stay focused!!!

  6. I'm not sure how I missed this post but congrats to you Nneka!
