Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Gray Ellis (Cari & Angela)

Today's Stepping out on Faith feature is on Cari Martin and Angela Henderson of

Former Job: Education 
Passion: Fashion

When did you discover your passion? 
"We both discovered our passion as little girls...mixing and matching pieces.  However, we felt a STRONG sense of community and didn't think fashion lined up with that goal!"

What career field were you both in before branching out and how long did you work in other jobs before branching out to start your own business?  
"We were both educators and that's how we met.  We taught for 3 or so years then branched out and started retailing (8 years) and were working at same boutique and realized we could do this!!"

What was your "breaking point" when you knew it was time for you both to do your own thing?
"We knew it was time when we learned all we could from the boutique we worked at.  Angela was the store manager/buyer and Cari was the visual merchandiser.  One day at the boutique we started changing around the store..merchandise etc...and it just FLOWED and it felt amazing.  It's a POWER we have working together...that was the day!"

What has been the best part of stepping out and running your own business?
"The best part is having a VOICE in the world, letting people get to experience "OUR" point of view, being our own boss, and showing women they can take risks."

What advice would you give others who are ready to step out?
"HAVE FAITH....Papa (that's what we call GOD) always makes a way!!"

Anything else you want to share?
"GRAY | ELLIS is an honor of our grandmothers...our ancestors...the women that paved a way before us...we are grateful...PLEASE...SHOP IT UPPP!!"

You can check out the ladies' recently launched online boutique at!! Let's show support!! :)


  1. So inspiring, love the site! Two thumbs up!

  2. Congratulations to you both for stepping out on faith! You have a great eye for spotting unique styles! I love the website and will definitely do my birthday & holiday shopping at Gray Ellis!
