Monday, November 8, 2010

"Believe in yourself FEARLESSLY!"

While chatting with my bestie (Jackie) about stepping out on faith, she gave me a great idea to journal my "journey" in stepping out. I love the idea! So going forward, I'll be sharing my a little of my personal experiences, emotions, ups and downs in stepping out on faith to pursue my passion!! Stay tuned for that! :)

This past Saturday was my 31st birthday! My hubby made this birthday very special and I had a great weekend!  I thank God for allowing me to see another year which lets me know my purpose has not been fully served on this earth yet. Isn't that amazing? Every day we are blessed to wake up, we are given another opportunity to live to our fullest potential.  In church today, my pastor talked about giving your best no matter what you are doing and how we should really do everything as if we are doing it for the Lord.  If you think about it like that, it's kind of hard not to give your best in everything you do!
On Sunday, I watched the 2010 Black Girls Rock awards show on BET! I loved every bit of it! I think its awesome that DJ Beverly Bond saw the need for a youth empowerment and mentoring organization for young women of color. The awards show recognized a number of black women who have made outstanding contributions in their careers and stand as positive role models in the community.  It was an extremely empowering show to watch and a great reminder that any of us can truly have whatever our hearts desire matter how BIG our dreams are!! Faith, hard work, drive and determination are all you need.  One thing Raven Symone said that stood out to me was that she has heard more people tell her NO than YES and look how extremely successful she is at only 24 years old!! Just goes to show us just because 10 or 100 people have said NO doesn't mean that YES isn't coming!

Lastly, Nia Long who hosted the show shared this statement in the beginning of the show which stuck with me:  "Believe in yourself fearlessly!"  I love that ...because that's exactly what we have to do!! If you don't believe in yourself, who will?


  1. Hi, Nneka! I was actually wishing that you would write about your journey because that would deeply inspire me more. Anyways, I have so many things that I want to tell you, of how I stumbled on your blog and how it eventually changed my perspective and my direction in life. I have all the plans for my life and the future and finding you just strengthened my faith to finally see that I'm on the right track and all I have to do is take the first step. Thank you, Nneka!

    It's me, Gracie from the Philippines!

    P.S. Will write you an email to tell you my story... God bless!

  2. WOW, thanks so much for writing me Gracie! Cant wait to get your email! :)
