Monday, January 3, 2011

Operation Weight Loss 2011

As I mentioned before, one of my goals this year is to lose 20 lbs.  To do this, a few of my friends and I have come together to support each other through the process since alot of us have some amount of weight we want to shed.  I have decided to do the South Beach diet after my girlfriend told me she lost 15 lbs in one week!!

So today, I officially started what we have termed O.W.L. (Operation Weight Loss).  The basic premise of the South Beach diet is no carbs, sugar (my weakness), etc for the first two weeks. Basically, you can only eat meats and veggies during Phase 1.  After 2 weeks, you go to Phase 2 which starts incorporating some other things like fruits, whole wheat pasta, etc back into your diet.   You stay at Phase 2 until you reach your weight loss goal, then you go to Phase 3 which helps you maintain your new weight.   I figure doing this coupled with working out at least 4 times a week (cardio & strength training), I should reach my goal by March. So I'll def keep you all posted.

Here is my lunch for today.... chicken breast and 2 cups of collard greens.
I'm pretty sure I will officially be tired of chicken breast by the end of the week, but I better get used to it because I have a feeling that will one of the main meats I'll be eating on this journey! Pray for me yall! :)

By the way, if you are looking for a diet friendly sweet treat, try these:
I must say for no sugar added, they taste great and only 40 calories each!


  1. Nek, you know I am right with you girl. About 15 to 20 lbs before March 1st, let's do it.

  2. Yess we can do it!! (as I sit here and crave some
