Monday, January 17, 2011

Stepping Out on Faith: Melissa Mangrum

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Melissa Mangrum of About Face Beauti based out of Baltimore, MD.

Former Job:  Collections 
Passion:  Makeup Artistry

When did you discover your passion?
I discovered my passion for makeup back in 2005 when I was looking for a part time job and found one as a Prestige Consultant for Ulta Cosmetics & Fragrance. I played around in makeup on myself and figured I should make a little money while doing something I kind of enjoyed. It wasnt until 2007/2008 that I started to take the business of makeup serious for myself.

What career field were you in before branching out and how long did you work in other jobs before stepping out to start your own business? I was a bill collector for about 10 years, working in every field possible to collect payments from consumers and businesses. It wasnt until December 2008 that I finally Stepped Out On Faith to do what I believe is one of my true purposes in beautifully bless someone with the art of makeup.

What was your "breaking point" when you knew it was time for you to do your own thing?
I think the breaking point was just knowing that I had to make time to do the things that I was so passionate about, yet I had all the time in the world  (8-10 hours a day) to work for someone elses dream. I would stay up at night trying to "squeeze" my business(es) in. I found myself not enjoying coming to work anymore.  I wasn't as productive as I had been in previous years, or even months. I prayed and thought, I consulted friends...some said DONT DO IT...while others said if you feel now is the time, then go for it. Ultimately it was my decision, and I decided not to return to corporate America in the next new year, January 2009.

What has been the best part of stepping out and running your own business?
The best part for me is knowing that every day I have choice.  I can either be lazy, lay around and not do anything (which wont pay the bills) or I can get up and build something that belongs to me!  Ultimately, I choose the 2nd option!  I still stay up late and wake up early, but there is not one day that I dread it. I get to see my kids off to school in the morning, and pick them up in the afternoon.  There is no babysitter that has to do that for me...which I LOVE!! In September of 2010, I Stepped Out On Faith yet again and moved from Virginia to Maryland with my dream of being a Successful Makeup Artist (and mommy) in one hand and my faith in the other. Its been 4 months and business is going great! I'm planning the work and working the plan. I have to push myself even harder now because I'm starting fresh, but its soooo worth it to me.

What advice would you give others who are ready to step out?
The advice I would give others who are looking to Step Out is follow YOUR voice. There will be critics, naysayers, etc. but what God has for you is already yours. Fear of the unknown can cripple you if you allow it, so never allow fear to step in. Plan, Pray, & then execute from there. Dont worry about the "what ifs". I have FINALLY done things that I NEVER thought I could do, but I'm doing if it has worked for WILL work for you (with proper planning, prayer & execution-of course) ;)

Check out some of Melissa's awesome work! By the way, she also did my lovely makeup for my wedding! :)

Congrats for stepping out on faith Missy (as we affectionately call her)! Keep up the great work! :)
Be sure to also check out her website at !!