Thursday, February 17, 2011


My plan to journal a little each day leading up to my trunk show didn't quite work out this go I've barely had time to do anything but sew this week.  Right now, its 1:26am and I took a little break to write this.  I'll prob be up another hour or two...depending on how tired I get.  I've always been a night owl so this isn't really late to me. After you stay up late a few nights back to back, the body seems to adjust.  Anywho, I have two more days to work on things.  I'll tell ya one thing, being a one woman show is no joke!  BUT I cant complain...I do truly enjoy it! And Im really excited about this weekend! Im hoping to see alot of friends and hopefully plenty of new faces as well! Def check back on next Monday for footage to come later in the week.  Okay ... break over!

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