Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stepping Out on Faith: Crystal Griffin

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Crystal Griffin, owner of Crystyles Boutique, in Atlanta, GA.  

Former Job:  Medical field
Passion:  Fashion

When did you discover your passion for fashion?
I discovered my passion for fashion around the age of 11.  I would always watch the runway channel. I loved to see the models walk the runway and check out all the clothing they used to wear.

What career field were you in before stepping out to start your own business?
I was in the medical field.  As much as I wanted to step out, take a chance & leave my job, I was eventually  forced out.  I was laid off of my job on Oct 19, 2010.   Believe it or not,  it was actually 3 days before I launched my business online.

What was your "breaking point" when you knew it was time for you to do your own thing?
I just kept feeling the urge to walk off my job.  Everyday I would go to work and pray to God for a clear answer about what I should do.  Ultimately, the choice was made for me.  Two days before I was laid off, I decided I would call it quits at the end of the year.  But I guess God had a different plan for me that I didn't see which allowed that to happen sooner than I thought.   And from that, I was blessed with my own store front!

What has been the best part of stepping out and running your own business? 
The best part is seeing something you have worked so hard for & dreamed of for years finally come to pass. Having the opportunity to do your own thing & knowing that your success lies in your own hands is great.  No more putting so much time, sweat & tears into another company where you're not appreciated.

What advice would you give others ready to step out?
I would tell anyone to face your fears and just do it!  Be prepared for what can come, the good or bad.  Just know you will never know how far you can go if you never try.  Remain very faithful and determined throughout your journey & keep positive people in your corner.  The road to success is not easy but it is very rewarding at the end.

If you are in the Atlanta area, be sure to check out Crystyles Boutique located at:
2115 Piedmont Rd NE. Suite 3106
Atlanta GA 30324
404-249-9333 or 1-800-558-9975
And be sure to check out her online shop here.  This will also be the location where I have my Nneka Saran Atlanta trunk show on April 9! So be sure to stop by and support her new business! Congrats again Crystal!


  1. Thank you for such a wonderful interview. I have viewed the online store and hope to one day visit the store in Atlanta. I have a question for Ms. Crystal. I recall her owning a home based Child care center in the past. I had friends who enrolled their children and they gave rave reviews. My question is does Crystal feel it has been easier to provide a product to the community with her Boutique or a service to the community in the Child Care industry?
    Congratulations for inspiring women to step out on faith and follow your dreams and admitting there will be good along with the bad but with faith anything is possible. The opportunities are endless.

    -Okevia Harris

  2. Thanks Okevia for the kind words. You have actually been one of many to witness my struggles & see the growth in me. To answer your question I don't feel its any less work to offer a service verses a product. I really enjoyed the years of running the daycare due to my love for kids. Believe it or not that is one of my ultimate goals to open up a Daycare center & a non-profit. The boutique is just one of many business ventures I want to do.

    The boutique is to fulfill one of my passions since a child. I always loved fashion but suffered self esteem issue growing up until adult hood. I was pushed away from my dreams by my parents telling me that modeling wasn't a real career. Crys-styles is to represent a taste of my style or interest. Opening the boutique is just to give you a feel for my eye & what I desire in fashion, it is more to come.

    As you & others may know I have no kids of my own but I have a deep connection with them. Every child I took care of when I ran my childcare in my home still remember me til this day. It is touching to my heart for the parent to contact me & say how is it over 5yrs later & my child still ask about Ms. Crystal. Lol It almost brings me to tears b/c I treated all 9 of those kids like they were my own. Kids are my weakness...I love them.

    My goal is to one day open up another but a Daycare center & I want to provide a non-profit for children who suffers through seeing their parent strung out on drugs & alcohol. Those are the ones that need the most help & I want to provide it for them.

    I know this probably answered your question & more but I just wanted to lay it all out on the table. :) love you girlie!

  3. Thanks Nneka for highlighting her! Awesome job, Crystal. Since I am in ATL, I will be stopping by to support her and can't wait to attend the Trunk Show...
