Monday, August 6, 2012

My Banquette is coming along....

Okay let me make a small disclaimer...I knew this project would take awhile but Lord knows I underestimated just how long it would actually take. I feel like I've been working on this forever and Im only half done. A large portion of time has been dedicated to covering the buttons... all in all I will have used close to 100 buttons on this project. I was going to use the button making kits but I read online that sometimes they don't hold up as well for thicker upholstery fabrics so I decided to use my trusty hot glue gun to cover them.  Not to mention , those button making kits are not cheap... well they are cheap if you only need 10 or 20 but for 100... def not cheap.  So I found these buttons at my local fabric store for 5cents each and used my fabric to cover them. I'm about half way done covering them..not fun at all :(

So here is how the bench is looking so far:

I still have to cover and tuft the backs and I have also decided to paint it brown...the same brown I used for the cabinet I painted in earlier posts.  And remember, I plan to post a full tutorial on how to do this when Im done!  Stay tuned!

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