Friday, December 13, 2013

We're Expecting! TWINS! :)

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in awhile but I've kinda had alot going on. Namely, my husband and I are expecting twins! We are over the moon happy and excited. And we feel so blessed. It wasn't an easy or quick journey getting to this place but thank God we kept the faith and trusted God would bring our hearts desire to pass. I am currently 19 weeks preggers now and looking forward to crossing the finish line in April!

I wanted to do a creative announcement so after doing an internet search to get some inspiration, we came up with this announcement. All of our family and friends really liked it :)

Stay tuned... you know I will definitely have plenty of new baby projects to post soon!


  1. Awwww congratulations! You look so cute pregnant:-) I love that photo of you and your hubby

  2. Congrats to you! Love the announcement!
