Monday, October 26, 2009

DIY Project #6: Invitations

Wedding invitations can get very pricey! So instead of spending alot of money on invitations, I took a trip to Michaels and found the perfect white and black invites for only $39.99 a box and with a 40 or 50% coupon. I got them for even less.

Here is the kit I used (30 ct). Everything comes in it: mailing envelopes, blank invitations, reply cards & envelopes, stickers to close envelopes and blank mailing labels (which I didnt use). I ended up buying about 5 boxes. Make sure you buy extras just in case you have printing issues like I had.


Here is our actual invitation

Front of invitation
I created the mailing labels myself using Powerpoint and printed them out on sticker paper that can be purchased at Staples. So if you are up for creating your own labels and cutting them out yourself, its a great way to add some pop to your invite! Also in case you are wondering, I used Brockscript font and Copperplate Gothic Light font for my labels. If you would like me to email you the template I created, just email me at

Back of invitation

Not bad for DIY Invitations right? And I only spent about $130 for about 150 invitations butttt beware, it took alot of time to do them!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the invitations! I still can't believe that was a DIY project. You did an incredible job! They're so YOU!
