Monday, December 21, 2009


I just got a lovely email from someone who visited my blog. She just wanted to thank me for doing it and stated how much its inspired and helped her not feel so overwhelmed by the whole wedding planning process. It really touched me because I know firsthand how overwhelmed a bride can feel during that planning process. And I remember searching for hours and hours everyday for sites that would shine some light on wedding stuff I didnt have a clue about when I was planning my own. So Im glad to know that there are people out there who enjoy reading it and most of all those who can take something from it that they can use!

I know I have been missing in action lately. Been kinda busy doing DIY home projects... a few of which I will feature. So stay tuned...there will be tons of upcoming posts soon. Also, Im working on relaunching my handbag website I took a break from the biz while planning my wedding but lookout in 2010...I'll be back on my grind! :)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say that you are a beautiful girl and you looked great in your wedding Pics. I also want to thank you for the opportunity to see other African American brides. I feel overwhenlmed, but not alone.
