Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Decisions...decisions ... Choosing your wedding party

So one BIG dilemma for most brides when planning a wedding is choosing their wedding party. This is especially the case for women like me who have alot of family and good friends. I've always known it would be hard for me to choose because I really do have alot of great friends. The other problem is I never wanted a HUGE wedding party standing along the front of the church. Actually I think 4 or 5 is a really good number. But between cousins and friends, I knew I would not be able to pick just 5. I also knew that I wanted to still find someway to include them in my big day. So my hubby and I came up with an idea to have an Inner Circle. Our Inner Circles were basically like our bridal parties but the only difference is they didn't have to buy dresses or rent tuxes. I told my girls to wear all black dresses and he told his guys to wear a black suit. All the girls had little bouquets and we gave all the guys hot pink ties. Also, all of our Inner Circles' names were listed in program and they walked down the outer aisles and sat in the front two rows on each side of church right before I entered the church.

So I ended up with two maids of honor (my lil sister and bf) and 16 lovely women in my Inner Circle. Armond had two best men and 15 of his boys in his Inner Circle. I think it came together great! And the best part is that my girls dont have a dress sitting in the closet that they will never wear again ... LOL... although Im sure they wouldn't have minded buying a bridesmaids dress for my wedding :)

Me and My Inner Circle
Armond & His Inner Circle


  1. I loved that idea! It was very suitable and I'm sure a big stress reliever in the long run. Plus, it was still apparent that they were just as important to you guys as the people who were selected to stand beside you! Good job!
