Saturday, January 2, 2010


I cant believe it is officially 2010! I still remember when it felt wierd to say the year 2000! But I have to thank God for blessing me with another year to live out my purpose. I also have to thank Him for being so gracious to me in 2009 and blessing me beyond my wildest dreams. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd get engaged AND married in the same year especially thinking back on all those days I sat around wondering when He would send me someone. There was a many a day I felt totally confused and felt it was extremely unfair for God to neglect the desires of my heart! But GOD! I tell ya...he may not come when you want Him but He is always right on time! I thank God for revealing to me in 2009 that no matter how much it seems like He isn't answering your prayers, He is! And Im a testament to that. His plan and timing in reference to my relationship and now marriage was better for me than I could have ever dreamed up for myself. So all you single ladies out there....please please please keep the faith and know that in due time you will reap if you faint not...meaning...hold on...dont give up no matter how your situation looks on the outside. You dont have a clue what God is doing in the background! Trust and know that God knows whats best for you and He will work it out!

Here's wishing everyone a super blessed, prosperous, and healthy 2010!!


  1. Girl...why did a tear just fall! And I will say (again) out of all the weddings I've attended, yours is Number 1! (Well, until I mines, of course!) : )

  2. I am so happy you wrote this and I agree with you 100%. God gives us things all in the right time and when we are ready. We must be prepared to receive God's blessings and then when you are ready it will come. We like to think we know more than God and that we can control everything but he is truly in charge and knows what's best/

  3. Aaah thanks Kendra! :)
    Amen Amen at that Nicole!

  4. AMEN Nneka!!! So true! My boyfriend actually proposed on New Year's Day (which is why I am here :) and when I read this all I can say AMEN!!! I encourage everyone to be patient and wait on the LORD because what HE has for you is far better than anything you could imagine!
