Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Natt Taylor

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Natt Taylor of Atlanta, Ga.

Former Job: Banking
Passion: Fashion Design

Since 1996, Natt has been sewing but it wasn't until she worked on her first big wedding after college that she developed a passion for designing. Before becoming a full time Fashion Designer, she worked as an Accountant for a bank, then for a Hotel Management Group. At the time, she mostly designed for weddings, proms, and created pieces for local fashion shows. She moved back to the NJ/NY area (where she is originally from) for awhile then returned to Atlanta with a much better understanding of the industry. That was her official starting point. She took a break, got married and worked for two more years in corporate America and then decided it was time to step out. Now she is relaunching with a new direction for her clothing line, Destini.

Natt said she realized it was time to fulfill her 'Destini’ when she began feeling like her life had no purpose. She would leave her house at 6am and return at 6pm, spend about two hours with her husband, then prepare to do it all over again. She knew that God wanted more for her so she prayed on it and took the leap!

The best part of stepping out for Natasha is waking up in the morning with a clear mind, watching the sunrise and knowing that she determines how she is going to spend her day.

When asked what advice she would give others who are ready to step out, she says "My advice would be to have a Plan B, C, D, and so on. As an entrepreneur, we have to be prepared for anything, we have to know when it’s time to adjust. I would also advise that anyone ready to step out has a relationship with God because you will definitely need him to help you through the rough patches." In closing she shares, "Recognize your blessings, live within your means, and never be afraid to make moves…especially when you’re young. You may fall flat on your face more than once, but you have time to get up and try again."

Check out some of Natt's work! Her attention to detail is amazing! And did I mention, outside of taking one sewing class, she is completely self taught!!
Lets support our own! You can check out and purchase Natt's designs at

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