Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Shemeka Brisbon

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Shemeka Brisbon out of Richmond, VA.

Former Job: Actuarial Analyst
Passion: Cosmetology

Shemeka took an interest in doing hair at a young age. She attended Richmond Technical Center and graduated high school with her license in cosmetology. By the time she went off to college, she actually lost the passion so she put things to the side. However, she didn't let her license expire just in case she ever wanted to get back into doing hair down the road. Good thing she did that! In January 2007, her passion came back. She started doing hair on the side while continuing to work full time as a Actuarial Analyst.

Shemeka worked in corporate America for about 6 years until it got to the point that she was consumed with work even at home. She would come home and constantly stress about all she had to do the next day. Tired of sitting behind a desk and looking at a computer every day, she decided that she was no longer going to waste her life doing something she didn't love. Shemeka wanted to start pursuing her dreams and that's what she did. She listened to what God was placing in her spirit and held on to her vision. She didn't let anything stop her, not even the fact that she had just purchased a new home around this same time! Shameka stepped out on faith, put her 2 weeks notice in at work, and haven't looked back since!

Shemeka says the best thing about stepping out is the freedom and flexibility she now has. When asked what advice she has for anyone who is ready to step out, Shameka says "I believe God gives us all a vision or a passion for something. If there is something that God keeps speaking to you on, don't ignore His call. Hold on to your vision and persevere. In time you will reap what you sow. When your vision finally becomes a reality, I'm sure everything you went through to get to it will have been well worth it. Everyday will not be easy, but when you're doing something you love and you know it is truly what you're meant to do, its always worth it."

Shemeka's contact info is below:

Shemeka Brisbon
(804) 683-4732

11170 Hull St Rd
Midlothian, VA 23112
Genito Crossing Shopping Center (near Food Lion & Mulligans)

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