Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stepping Out on Faith: Crystal Morrison

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Crystal Morrison, owner of Chosen Girl, an online clothing boutique for women.

Passion:  Fashion

While attending Clark Atlanta University, Crystal discovered her passion for fashion.  After working as an assistant manager for a boutique and working as a personal assistant for a sales representative for a well known men’s clothing line, she knew that she wanted to further her career in fashion in some way.

Crystal has worked a number of different jobs over the years but always knew she wanted to start her own business one day.  While working as a field administrative assistant for the Capital Improvement Department  in Georgia , she applied for a part-time job as a restaurant server to have extra money to save for her business. About two months into working both jobs, she got laid off her full time salaried job. The surprising part is that she was very happy about it!  She was miserable at her full time job but working there made her realize that she wanted to work for herself.  It also showed her how much harder she needed to work to make her dreams come true.  During her time working there, she went through a period of worrying, feeling lost, and questioning her life.  She cried some days and some days she just did not understand God's plan for her life.  Thankfully, she had a good friend to help keep her encouraged and one day it just clicked.  It was then she completely gave God free range over her life.  Currently, she is still working as a restaurant server while building her business.

When asked what the best part of stepping out and running her own business is Crystal shares "It's waking up and doing something I love every single day. Sometimes at night I have a hard time going to sleep because I feel like I’m living my dreams. I am excited about my future and the journey ahead of me."

For others ready to step out, she suggests to just trust in God.  She didn't understand why she had to go through all she did to get this point but now it all makes sense.  "When you feel discouraged just go to Him in prayer.  My mom always tells me to just go to God and ask Him to guide me. Sometimes we want to understand right away, we want instant gratification, but sometimes you have to be patient and wait on the Lord. Being still and doing nothing is not the same thing", says Crystal.

In celebration of the launch of her new business, Chosen Girl, she is having a Girl’s Night Out Shopping Soiree on July 29th from 6-9 pm at Cali Chic Studio in Buckhead, Atlanta.  This event will allow the women of Atlanta to shop Chosen Girl’s inventory before it hits the web, enjoy complimentary cocktails, desserts, and appetizers and pamper themselves with beauty treatments such as manicures and mini-makeovers. For more info go to  You can also check out her website launching July 29!


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