Monday, August 16, 2010

My Next Home Decor Project

So this past weekend, I didn't make it to the thrift store but I made it out fabric shopping.  Unfortunately,  it was a definite miss! :(  I really hate not finding anything I liked.  Its so funny though because every time I go fabric shopping, the people who work in the store constantly ask if they can help me look for something.  Then I kindly say, "No thanks, Im just looking".  I guess that's not a good enough answer because they usually continue to try to "help" me with something.  But really, I go in fabric stores and look around to see what stands out to me.  I can usually gauge that pretty quick.  So when nothing stands out or catches my eye.... I know right away and its disappointing because fabric is truly what inspires me when I make my bags.

But on a brighter note, I have figured out my next home project.  We have decided to tackle doing backsplash in our kitchen! This is something a lot of people do themselves all the time and I have been wanting to try it forever Im glad my hubby is finally on board with the project!

After going to a few stores looking for something we liked that was reasonably priced (we don't want to spend alot on this project in case we mess up, we settled on these two mosaic tile options:

I really love the rich colors in the darker tiles but after getting home, we discovered this one below will go best with the countertop and cabinets.  I do like how these tiles have a shade of green in them which should compliment the paint in the kitchen nicely. 

We plan to start on this project at the end of this month/early next month so stay tuned for how everything turns out.  I'm super excited about this too!

P.S. Depending on the type of tiles you choose for your back splash and how large the area is you want to cover, this project can get pricey.  Tiles can run as low as $5 a sheet up to $40 a sheet or more so its really up to you and the look you want to go for.  Either way, doing it yourself is cheaper than paying someone to do it for you! ;)


  1. Thats great! I have royal blue tile on my kitchen countertop with white grouting and some of the areas could use some filling you can also check out kitchen countertops designs this will help you.

  2. Thanks for the info Hanna! :) And thanks Tanya! :)
