Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

The weather was absolutely beautiful here in the Philly area this past Labor Day weekend! Who could ask for anything more?  On Saturday, I ventured to the city (NY) and did a little fabric shopping.  Of course I always start out going through the flower district where they sell wholesale and retail...the flowers are so beautiful even the artificial ones! This day, they happened to be shooting a movie on 28th so I couldn't go to all the stores I like to visit.  But check out some of the lovely flowers in a few of the other shops I made it to:
Next I made my way to all my favorite fabric stores and I even ran up on a few stores I somehow have never been too! Go figure! lol  Luckily, on this fabric, I actually found some fabric I liked so this was definitely better than my last trip when I found nothing.

On Sunday, I had a great photo shoot with my fav photog, Nicole of Girl Photography.  The weather was perfect and the scenery was great at the cutest little spot she found in Chestnut Hill (Philly).  Here is a little sneak peak of one of the shots I love:
Thanks again Nicole! ;)

Hope everyone had a great extended weekend too! Back to the real world now.... ;)


  1. Oh I'm spinning in my chair...I can't wait to see the other looks so vibrant and pretty!!!

  2. I love this pink dress! You look great. Love the hair.
