Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homemade Brown Sugar & Honey Facial Scrub

Lately, Ive been looking for some new skin treatments to try.  While I was on one of my favorite hair, skin and makeup blogs (MoptopMaven), she mentioned a homemade scrub she uses twice a week so I decided I'd give it a try.  She suggested trying 1 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar.  I looked online and saw this is a popular homemade scrub and some people add lemon juice. Honey adds moisture and the brown sugar acts as a gentle exfoliant.  So for my first homemade scrub I went with:

1 tbsp on brown sugar
1 tbsp of raw honey (I got this from Whole Foods)
A splash of lemon juice
(You can also add a lil vanilla extract and/or oatmeal as well)

Mix ingredients together in a bowl

This is the consistency final scrub should be.
Next I massaged the scrub on my face for a few minutes then washed off with cool water to seal my pores.

My final verdict for this homemade scrub...... I love it!! Its not harsh at all and it definitely leaves your skin with a smooth, soft feel.  Make sure you use this on clean skin.  This is great to do once or twice a week along with your regular skin regimen.

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