Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3: O.W.L.

Today is Day 3 in Operation Weight Loss (O.W.L.) and Im already tired of doing this diet! I got a headache on Monday, Tuesday, and a small one today...but Im going to keep pressing through.  Apparently, getting headaches are normal because my body isn't used to not having the sugar and carbs I used to feed it so much with.

On the bright side, Im 3.5 lbs down already which is encouraging...but I swear a slice of pizza (my fav food), Cherry Coke, and a candy bar are all calling my name  but I will stay strong.....for now!

I have to treat myself at some point so I guess I'll just have to look forward to that day! Lol


  1. I'm making homemade pizza for my babies tomarrow night and now I feel like I shouldn't be eating any. Stay strong the results will pay off! You;ll show us soon.

  2. Hey Nneka! Love your site...My BFF C. Hicks introduced me to your blog....I started the South Beach yesterday based on your post...anyway..check out the pepperoni snack at the following site to assist with your pizza cravings...

    STAY STRONG GIRLY!!!! You are my motivation!!! lol


  3. Hey girl!! Thanks for the link! Im going to def check it out! And keep me posted on how the diet goes for you too! ;)
