Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Beginning Stages of Chair Re-do

Yesterday, I ventured to the city (NY) to pick up a few items and I ran across some BEAUTIFUL fabric I thought would be perfect for my thrift store chair re-do.  You can't get the full beauty from the pic but here is the fabric:

This beautiful upholstery fabric was a little pricey... it ran $45 a yard.  I also purchased some coordinating material to cover the ottoman I got from thrift store as well...but I'll feature that in a different post.

So as alot of you know, reupholstering the seat of a chair is super easy! All you have to do is flip chair over and remove the cushion, figure out what color you are going to paint the frame, and then recover seat cushion with new fabric and reattach.  Easy enough right?

You remember how the original chair looked from this posting here.  So this is my chair without the seat cushion:

I decided to go with white for the color of the chair frame.  TIP: White gives everything a nice fresh look.  This chair took one entire bottle of spray paint and I still need to go over again with another bottle or so to get a nice clean look. Actually I should have sanded the chair down a lil before painting but I was being lazy which is prob one of the reasons I need some much spray paint for each chair :(

Then I took my fabric and used my staple gun to recover the cushion. Since it was in good condition already, I didn't need to add any additional padding...but sometimes depending on chair, you may have to add some.

I'm not done yet but I'm always extra excited to see how the finished product would look so I sat the newly reupholstered cushion in the chair (without attaching) to give me a full view.  Here is how it looks for now:

Now that I see it, Im not really feeling the rattan/net backing on this chair with the look I'm going for so I have decided to cover the back of the chair as well.  Covering the back isn't quite as easy as recovering seat cushions. This will be my first time trying this so stay tuned for the finished product!


  1. I don't care about the back the final outcome as is, is to die for!

    Check out my Fabulous giveaway:
