Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stepping Out on Faith: Tanya of

Since starting my blog, I've had the chance to meet a lot of really great people online.  One of my new friends is Tanya, founder of  I ran across her blog awhile back and immediately fell in love with her sense of style and the inspirational words she shares.  In talking to her over the past year, I have learned a lot about her journey in becoming a fashion stylist so I thought she'd be great to feature.  This girl epitomizes beauty inside and out.  Among many things, she's a wife, mother, hair stylist, and friend.  She has such a sweet spirit, caring heart, and a killer shoe game! :)  So with her permission, today's posting is on my girl, Tanya!

Passion: Fashion & Hair

Every since she was a little girl, Tanya has always loved fashion.  In addition to being a hair stylist, she stepped out on faith two years ago to become a fashion stylist as well.  She actually shares an equal love for hair and fashion because they both involve making people feel good about themselves.  She plans on doing both as long as she can.  
The idea of becoming a fashion stylist came about after her best friend suggested she try it.  All of her friends would always call her for fashion advice anyway so it just made sense.  Tanya admits she is still learning the ins and outs of the business but the journey is great.  She loves it.

The best part about stepping out to pursue her passion  has been meeting great people.  She figured if she can do something she loves, she'd never have to "work".  She is also a believer in taking chances.  When God has your back nothing can stop you.

In 2009, Tanya started her own blog, where she shares a little of her life and of course all her fabulous clothes.  It has grown tremendously in popularity and has become a favorite blog of many young women who love to see what she will wear next and pick up a little inspiration along the way.  She lives by faith in every aspect of her life.  Tanya is often asked what advice she would give someone aspiring to become a stylist.  She advises to step out on faith in life in everything you do and to never give up.  Also be willing to work for free because it'll pay off in the long run.

Lastly, one of Tanya's favorite fashion tips is to make friends with your tailor.  She can turn trash into treasure with the right vision.

If you would like more info on Tanya, check out her blog here and check out a few pictures of some of her uber cute outfits below! 


  1. Thanks for the post and your kind words:)

  2. I love Tanya and her blog. She is such an inspiration person with great style.

  3. Great post! I've been following her blog for sometime now and I absolutely love it! She always provides encouraging words along with great fashion and style tips! God bless her on her journey

  4. I just came across her blog yesterday thru yours and immediately added BOTH of you! Keep up the good work ladies. If you get a chance check out my blog and follow if you like. I am not quite on you guys level, but I am working on getting there ; )

  5. Thank you so much! Im following your blog now! :)
