Sunday, April 17, 2011

Office Transformation in Progress

So as you know Im in the process of getting my office/workspace together so last week I started painting.  Thank God I have finally gotten most of it done.  I just have the accent wall left to do.  The pic above is from this weekend when I started painting my two pink walls. 

My hubby and I also started putting some of the furniture pieces together.  I am running into a slight issue.  I have a pet peeve about finishes being the same.  I knew I wanted to do all white furniture when I started planning this design; however, I learned that not all whites are the same.  For example, "white" furniture at Ikea is not really snow white.  Its more of an off white which clashes with the pieces I have that are truly all white.  But hey, its not that big of a deal I guess... (as I sit here typing trying to make myself really believe

As they say, you just have to work with what you thats what I will be doing.  Stay tuned for how it all comes together! :)


  1. That is a great idea to paint an ascent wall in your office, especially if you have an interior office with no exterior windows.

    I work in commercial real estate, so all of my interior show office are painted with a bright ascent wall to add depth and a focal point to the space...

    I can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. You hit it on the nose Grace! There are no windows in this space...wish it was. I love natural light! But I agree ...accent walls do add depth and a focal point to space! :)
