Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stepping Out on Faith: Tiffany Freeland

Today's Stepping Out on Faith feature is on Tiffany Freeland, owner and senior pastry designer of Ilene Miriam Pastry Studio based in New York. Some of her noteworthy clients include: Nicki Minaj, Lil Jon, Terrance J, Jesus Luz, and NFL All Pro Dwight Freeney.

Former Job: Fashion Stylist/Accounting
Passion: Baking

When did you discover your passion for baking? 
I've been baking since I was a kid with my grandmother which is who the business is named after, Ilene Miriam Warren. She taught me how to bake from scratch, so Ilene Miriam Pastry Studio has that homemade taste that most franchised bakeries lack. At the same time, customized designs from popular children's characters to leading fashion inspired items, take your sweets to another level. When you get an Ilene Miriam product, you know it's going to taste as good as it looks. 

What career field were you in before stepping out to start your own business?
I have a fashion background. I'm an FIT Graduate (FMM Major) and have worked as a fashion stylist and as an assistant brand manager for luxury brands previously. Surprisingly, my most recent job was in the Accounting field.

What was your "breaking point" when you knew it was time for you to do your own thing?
One day, I posted a picture of some Chanel inspired cupcakes on Facebook and the response was amazing. That's when I realized that I actually had a good thing going.

What has been one challenge in stepping out and running your own business? 
My biggest challenge was growing the business while still maintaining a full time job and raising my one year old daughter. Juggling many things at once leads to a lot of sleepless nights but my eye is always on the big picture. 

What has been the best part?  
The best part is being able to express my creativity. Its exciting to get requests for unique ideas. I enjoy the challenge and put my personal touch on each order. I.M. allows me to also extend the opportunity to other creative women. The business has grown to the point where I can assemble a team. Jo-Laine Duke Collins, a phenomenal Event Designer and Aja Whitaker, a talented up and coming pastry designer. Great women who are talented, dedicated and driven! 

What advice would you give others ready to step out?
Have faith in yourself, your team and your products/services. Its also important to have a great support system. Keeping positive people in your circle will allow you to deal with the many highs and lows of starting a business. A strong team is crucial in small start up businesses. Each member has a specific piece of the puzzle to cover. Collectively, we perform as a complete finished product. Lastly, it's important to stay drama free. There are times where your limits will be tested but if you stay true to yourself, everything will fall into place.

Check out some of Tiffany's awesome work! 

For more info on Tiffany and her pastry studio, check out her website:


  1. I just came across this blog, the story above is amazing and inspiring the cakes are making me fall in lust for some sweets! They look so amazing! Thanks for sharing this inspiring story I needed to read that today!
    Your new addicted reader from

  2. WOW!!!! Very talented... Use your GOD GIFT & TALENT - FAVOR ain't FAIR!!!! :))
