Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dining Room Wall Stencil - BEFORE & AFTER

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in awhile....I have been super busy trying to get our house in order. As you know, I've gone stencil crazy these After weeks of debating, I decided to go with the Zamira Allover Stencil by Cutting Edge Stencils for the dining room. The base color I went with is Benjamin Moore Silver Chain and went over the stencil with Benjamin Moore Metallic Liquid Silver.  I loved the way it came out! Check out the way the dining room looked when we first moved in house:


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Add a pop of surprise to a closet!!

One really cool thing to do in your house is to add little elements of surprise to spaces no one would expect to be decorated. For example, a closet, garage, or any other space you can think of.  I decided to get some more of my money's worth out the stencil I used for kitchen wall to give my closet/pantry a lil facelift!

I forgot to take a before pic but it was a basic closet... the walls had marks all I used paint I already had for this. I went with a white base for the closet and used a light blue paint for the stencil. 

Here is how it looked as I almost finished up with the base coat. If you look at bottom of pic, you can see a little of the yellow color I covered up. 

Now here is what it looks like now (This pic was taken before I touched up everything):
Wallah.... all done! And it'll be fun to go in the closet now! :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

My Banquette is coming along....

Okay let me make a small disclaimer...I knew this project would take awhile but Lord knows I underestimated just how long it would actually take. I feel like I've been working on this forever and Im only half done. A large portion of time has been dedicated to covering the buttons... all in all I will have used close to 100 buttons on this project. I was going to use the button making kits but I read online that sometimes they don't hold up as well for thicker upholstery fabrics so I decided to use my trusty hot glue gun to cover them.  Not to mention , those button making kits are not cheap... well they are cheap if you only need 10 or 20 but for 100... def not cheap.  So I found these buttons at my local fabric store for 5cents each and used my fabric to cover them. I'm about half way done covering them..not fun at all :(

So here is how the bench is looking so far:

I still have to cover and tuft the backs and I have also decided to paint it brown...the same brown I used for the cabinet I painted in earlier posts.  And remember, I plan to post a full tutorial on how to do this when Im done!  Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Amazing what a lil paint can do!

So we had an ugly built in cabinet that came with our house. My original plan was to destroy it because it def didn't go with the look of the room plus I kinda wanted to do something different in that corner until my friend suggested I keep it.  So I decided to give it a paint job!

Here is how the cabinet looked before:

I decided to use Valspar Satin Java Brown which is a great color that is very similar to the color of a lot of furniture you buy in stores.  I purchased it from Lowes for around $10
Initially, I was going to sand the whole thing then paint it, but I got lazy and decided to paint right over it.

After I finished painting the whole thing, I let it dry overnight then added a few coats of this polyurethane in satin:
Lastly, I switched out the hardware for a more updated look.  And here is the finished product!  Overall, Im very pleased and it looks even better in person.  I'm glad my friend suggested I keep it! :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

DIY Chair Revamp

I was looking for two accent chairs for our family room and came across these at American Signature Furniture.

They were on sale for $79 ....reg $149 each which is a pretty good deal.  Now of course I couldn't possibly leave the chairs looking like this :) ... I found some great material for $15 a yard.

This is not a really thorough tutuorial but I took the chair apart first then covered the chair. A little sewing was required for a cleaner look.

Almost Done!

Okay so the seat cushion for this chair was easy to cover...the back was a little tricky because it has a curved back so Im still working on finishing up the backside of this chair then I'll have to repeat everything for the other chair! 

Overall, recovering this chair has given it a completely different look and a chair like this could easily go for at least $150-$200 or more depending on the store so I'm very pleased with the outcome! :) 
Remember, you can do this too!!