Thursday, August 9, 2012

Add a pop of surprise to a closet!!

One really cool thing to do in your house is to add little elements of surprise to spaces no one would expect to be decorated. For example, a closet, garage, or any other space you can think of.  I decided to get some more of my money's worth out the stencil I used for kitchen wall to give my closet/pantry a lil facelift!

I forgot to take a before pic but it was a basic closet... the walls had marks all I used paint I already had for this. I went with a white base for the closet and used a light blue paint for the stencil. 

Here is how it looked as I almost finished up with the base coat. If you look at bottom of pic, you can see a little of the yellow color I covered up. 

Now here is what it looks like now (This pic was taken before I touched up everything):
Wallah.... all done! And it'll be fun to go in the closet now! :)

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