Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2011 Personal Goals and Product Review : Loreal Youth Code

Some of my personal goals going into 2011 is to have healthier skin, hair, and body! So to jump start my new skin regimen, I will be trying out some different products to see if I notice a change.  My goal is to also get my hair to its healthiest state. Ive been going natural since Oct 2009 and I still have about 3-4 inches of relaxer on my ends left to go. Not sure if Im just going to cut that off or not yet.  But I definitely want to see my hair get to its full potential.  I know I'll never have super long or thick hair flowing down my back ....some things just wont happen no matter what products you use! lol  But I do want to get my hair to the best it can be!  Also, I am planning to lose 20 lbs by the end of March! So I have some hefty personal goals here as you can see! But Im confident I'll reach them!

Anywho, Loreal has a new line of skin care products called Youth Code. And since Im a sucka for new products, I decided to give them a try.  I have used their Skin Genesis line in the past which was pretty good.  I purchased the Youth Code eye serum, serum intense daily treatment, and the 30 SPF daily lotion (not pictured).

The only thing I didnt get was the day/night cream.  The run about $22 each from Walmart or Target.  I haven't been using them long but so far I do like the immediate effects of the serum intense.  It gives your skin a smooth effect. I use this in the morning after the eye cream and before I put my Cetaphil moisturizer on.  Lastly, I put on the daily lotion with 30 SPF. I fell off for awhile with using lotion with 30 SPF but its very important to do.  So I will keep you posted on my results after I use the line a little longer!


  1. Hi Nneka,

    Thanks for sharing. It seems like we have similar goals for the New Year in terms of overall health. I'm to try these skin care products. As far as your natural journey, I wish you well. I have been natural for 6 years and loced for 5. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I too have some lbs to lose and am staying focused on my goal. Thanks again for the positive motivation.

  2. Let me know how that works, I am a sucker for products! I think you are gonna be surprised with what your hair does, now it's natural. Mine is growing longer than it ever did with a relaxer and the more I read I am learning everybodies hair will grow! Let's do it Nek, i have the same goals going into 2011.
