Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hey yall!
Sorry for not posting lately.  With the holidays approaching, it seems like there is so much going on these days! I must say time has really flown this year! It seems like just yesterday it was the beginning of 2010 and now we are heading into 2011.  This holiday season reminds me of all the blessings God has bestowed upon me. I am so grateful for my husband, my family, friends who are just like family, my health, all the doors that have been shut and opened, and most importantly my salvation.  Thank you Jesus for loving us so much!

I am also extremely grateful for all the new readers I have gotten on my blog this year! I would have never thought in a million years that my little blog would touch so many people. I have (virtually) met so many new friends and I just appreciate you all so much!

So lets all remember the reason for the season....Jesus!!  And whether we get alot of gifts or not, the fact we are alive and well and blessed to see another day is the best gift ever and one that not everyone gets!

Merry Christmas yall!

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