Monday, January 31, 2011

Stepping Out on Faith: Tracy Mourning

Today is our first celeb Stepping Out on Faith feature on the beautiful Tracy Mourning, wife of former NBA player Alonzo Mourning.  I was honored to have the opportunity to interview Tracy and learn a little more about how she pursued her passion.  Check it out!

        Honey Child originally started off as a clothing line, when did you discover your passion for fashion design?
As a young girl I would reassemble my clothes when I no longer wanted to wear them and make something “new”. Even now, I will change a skirt into a dress or a top and wear it like its brand new.

When did you know you wanted to expand and get into body products?   What made you decide to finally step out and do it?
 I have always appreciated quality body products. Growing up, my mother made sure we had the best body cleansers, moisturizers and quality food if nothing else. So when the opportunity was presented, I relied on what I like and what feels good to me and created a line that reflects just that. A line made for the GODDESS, SOULMATE, MOTHER and FRIEND that all women are. It has come down to preparation and opportunity connecting at the perfect time. I feel like I’ve been preparing for this all of my life so I just stepped out on faith and I’m going for it.
In bringing your vision to life, what has been the most challenging part?
The most challenging part for me is the day-to-day business and not just being able to create. I recognize the importance of handling both so I’m not complaining, I’m growing.

What is the best thing about being your own boss?
The best part of being my own boss, even when I worked for or with others, is that I always felt like I was in control of my own destiny. Not in a disrespectful way, in a way that I knew it was up to me to create my own happiness. I do love working from home because I can interact with the daily activities of my kids and wear flip-flops all day if I want to. On the flip side, I have to force myself to not always be so comfortable and get be in a business state of mind.

What advice would you give other women looking to start a business or a line of products?
I would encourage all women in any business to simply learn and love what they do. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. All of our answers are out there, we just have to look and connect to those resources and simply do it.

If you had to choose your favorite product in your line, what would it be?
My “favorites” in most things change all the time. It doesn’t mean that it’s no longer my favorite, it just means that I may sometime have a new favorite.  Today, my favorite is KISS & LOVER.  Tomorrow, it may be others.

Anything else you want to share? 
I just want others to know that with God, all things are possible and that we have to keep moving forward. Follow your passion and live your purpose.

You can find more info on Tracy's line of products at Show your support! :)

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