Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weather blues.....

Gosh, I am sooo over this weather we have over here on the east coast.  Seems like we have had some kind of snow or ice every week for the past month.  However, keeping things in perspective, I am thankful and blessed to have shelter from it all.  It breaks my heart to think about all those homeless people who are on the streets with no where to go.  All the more reason, I hope the groundhog is right about us having an early spring! But thats up to the good Lord.  The only thing the snow is really good for is skiing which we did this past weekend and had a blast!!

I really hate to rush time along but I seriously need to experience some warm weather ASAP!
Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. Me too. I am not a fan of this weather. But, there's always a positive side to it (that often times we forget) just like you said in your post. Thanks for reminding me of that today. Love your blog.

  2. I agree...cant wait for spring or at least a little bit of sun. Fortunately, we dont have any snow in Florida, but we do get lots of rain... I'm so tired of it!!

